FW Update: Not Enough Space
In order to update firmware, you need at least 5 GB of free space on your ibi. You can check how much free space you have using the mobile or web app by clicking on Settings, then the device's name.
You can free up space by moving content from your ibi in a few different ways. Both the ibi Desktop App and the Copy USB feature allow you to easily move a large amount of data. There are a few other options such as downloading content via the web app and mobile app that are a bit more work but will also get the job done.
Moving data with the 'Desktop App'
To get started, make sure you have the desktop app downloaded and installed. If you don't have the ibi desktop app, please visit: https://ibi.sandisk.com/apps to download and install the latest version.
To move content:
- Launch the application
- Sign-In using your ibi credentials to access your content
- Click on 'Open in Finder'
- Navigate to folder(s) or select file(s) that are large enough to free up more than 5 GB of space
- Move the selected folder(s) or file(s) from your ibi to your desktop
- Once you've confirmed that the move is completed you may safely remove the folder(s) or file(s) from ibi to create space for the update
- Now you can resume the firmware update by returning to the mobile app
CAUTION: Please verify that the data you moved is safely stored on your desktop by opening the folder(s) or files(s) that you just moved before removing them from your ibi device
Moving data with 'Copy USB'
This option is available in the mobile and web app once you have a USB drive attached to the back of your ibi.
- Begin by attaching a USB drive to the back of your ibi device
- Then open your mobile app
- Tap on the side menu to see the option Copy USB
- Tap on Copy USB to be presented with two options:
- From Drive - allows you to copy contents from the USB drive to ibi
- To Drive - allows you to copy contents from the ibi device to your USB drive
- Tap on To Drive to continue
- You can now choose a few items via the Select files or folders to copy them to the USB drive
- You'll receive a notification once the process is complete and your content has been successfully moved
- You can put the app in the background and the ibi app will notify you when the process is complete.
- Once you've confirmed that the move is completed you may safely remove the folder(s) or file(s) from ibi to create space for the update
- Now you can resume the firmware update by returning to the mobile app
CAUTION: Please verify that the data you moved is safely stored on your desktop by opening the folder(s) or files(s) that you just moved before removing them from your ibi device