Device is Offline: Troubleshoot your ibi
We're sorry that your ibi device is currently offline. We have a few simple steps to try and get your device back online.
Let's begin by checking the status light on your device
The status is light is conveniently placed in the front of your ibi device. It has a few different states that are outline below.
If your status light is Steady then read below
A Steady status light indicates that your ibi device is successfully connected to a Wi-Fi network and is under normal operation.
If your device is offline under this condition, then let's follow these steps to troubleshoot your device:
Reboot your ibi device
- Unplug the ibi power adapter from the wall outlet
- Reconnect the power adapter to the wall socket after ~30 seconds
- Wait for the status light on your ibi to return back to a Steady state before returning to your mobile app to check on your device
- It can take anywhere from ~1-2 minutes for the status light to turn steady
- If the status light enters a Fast Blinking state then skip to Fast Blinking steps below.
Restart your ibi application
- To do this on iOS, follow this guide:
- For Android, long press on the application to bring up a menu. Now tap on "Force Quit" to close the application before attempting to open the application again.
Is your device still offline?
- Contact Customer Support to get further assistance.
If your status light is Fast Blinking then read below
A Fast Blinking status light indicates that your ibi device is not under normal operation and is either disconnected from your Wi-Fi network or is having trouble reaching your Wi-Fi network. This could also happen if you recently changed your network name or password. If you did this, then skip rebooting the device and try the second trouble shooting step to connect your ibi to your home network.
NOTE: Please verify that your Wi-Fi network has an active internet connection before continuing. A simple to follow guide can be found here: Device is Offline: Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection to help you verify this.
If you've verified that you do indeed have an active internet connection, then let's try the following steps below.
Reboot your ibi device
- Unplug the ibi power adapter from the wall outlet that it's plugged into
- Reconnect the power adapter to the wall outlet after ~30 seconds
- Wait for the status light on your ibi to return back to a Steady state before returning to your mobile app to check on your device
- This step can take anywhere from ~1-2 minutes for the status light to turn steady
- If the status light is still Fast Blinking, then move on to the steps below.
Verify or change the Wi-Fi network that your ibi is connected to
- Open the side menu by tapping on '☰' in the upper right hand corner of your mobile app
- Then tap on 'Settings'
- Now tap on your ibi device to manage it's Wi-Fi connection further
- If your device is offline, you'll be presented with a warning dialogue before your mobile app tries to connect to your ibi. Follow the on screen prompts to connect your ibi device to Wi-Fi.
- If your device is online, you'll see 'Wi-Fi' where the Wi-Fi name that your ibi is currently connected to.
- If you wish to change the network that your ibi is currently connected to, then follow the same steps as above and tap on the Wi-Fi network name. This will bring up additional details about the network that your ibi is currently connected to. Tap on the network name again to bring up the menu to change the network of your ibi device.
- If you have a dual band router, try setting up ibi device on both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands.
- 2.4GHz is usually ideal for maximum distance and range where 5GHz will give you the best performance in terms of upload and download speed to your router.
Is your device still offline?
- Contact Customer Support to get further assistance