Duplicates: In the same folder

We're sorry that your ibi appears to be duplicating content. Now that we've identified that the duplicates are from the same folder there are a few ways to deal with them further. This should be an uncommon scenario but still likely. Let's make sure that the content is truly identical and then take next steps appropriately.

If you need to visit how to identify the source or details about your duplicate you can find it here: Duplicates: Understand the source

In order to identify that the content is truly unique, please verify that:

  • The file size for both the possible duplicates
  • The resolution for both the possible duplicates
  • The file name for both the possible duplicates 
    • NOTE: In some cases, the file name may appear as if they're exactly the same but please verify that the file name does not contains a "(1)" or a similar representation of this. This is considered to be a different file name than the other.

If any of following details (size, resolution, and or name) are different, then please check the source device (the device that was backed up to ibi - typically the named folder of the content) to see if the content is duplicated prior to backup.

If any of the details about the content do match (such as the size or resolution for your duplicates) then please contact Customer Support to assist you further.

NOTE: Before deleting or removing any content that were previously duplicated we ask that you carefully review to ensure that duplicates from the second source are truly duplicates. We recommend that you consider create a backup of this folder by either exporting to USB or using the desktop app to move the content incase you need to restore anything in the future. Once you delete something off of ibi, it is permanently deleted so please be sure before performing this action. 

We hope this helps you identify and prevent duplicates from being backed up to your ibi. If you found this article helpful please don't forget to hit the happy face below to provide us feedback.